Biography of Aleksandar Luković


Born in 1924 in Belgrade. Graduated and received the Master Degree from The Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade in 1952. First time exhibited in Belgrade in 1948.With the group “The Individual” exhibited in 1951 and since then he has taken part in all the important exhibitions in the country and abroad. For many years he was the leader of the Graphic Art Group in Belgrade. With Zoran Petrovic founded The December group which was exhibiting actively from 1955-1960. Published four maps of lithography in color . The Circus in the Street in1955.The Clowns in 1955. The Clowns’ Games in 1957, The Circus in 1986 and the map of the copper engravings Optimists in 1987. In 1960 he was chosen to be the assistant professor and in 1975 the full professor at The Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. He kept that position until 1985. He received the Serbian “ Award of the 7th July” in 1961.Accademia Fiorentina delle Art del Disegno in Italy chose him for the honorary member. He lives and works in Belgrade.


Rođen 1924. godine u Beogradu. Akademiju za likovne umetnosti i postdiplomske studije završio u Beogradu 1952. godine. Prvi put izlagao u Beogradu 1948. godine. Sa grupom Samostalni izlaže 1951. godine i od tada učestvuje na svim značajnim izložbama u zemlji i inostranstvu. Više godina vodio Grafički kolektiv u Beogradu. Sa Zoranom Petrovićem osnovao Decembarsku grupu koja je aktivno izlagala od 1955 - 1960. godine. Objavio je četiri mape litografija u boji. Cirkus na ulici 1955. godine, Klovnovi 1955., Igre klovnova 1957., Cirkus 1986. godine I mapu bakroreza Optimisti1987. godine. Godine 1960. izabran za docenta a 1975. godine za redovnog profesora na Fakultetu likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu i na toj dužnosti ostaje do 1985. godine. Sedmojulsku nagradu Srbije dobija 1961. godine. Accademia Fiorentina dlle Art del Disegno u Italiji iazabrala ga je za počasnog člana. Živi i radi u Beogradu.